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Demodectic mange is an annoying, curable disease

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The hair loss and scales usually start around the eyes.

By Otto Rodriguez

Have you seen lesions occurring in patches, especially on the face, torso or legs or your dog?

It could be demodectic mange. a common and very annoying inflammatory disease in dogs caused by a type of mite.

When the symptoms are localized and usually mild, besides the infection caused by the Demodex mite, there is also a hair loss and redness of the skin. If generalized, symptoms will be more widespread and appear across the body with scales and lesions.

According to the vets, this type of mite is a normal inhabitant in dog’s skin. In low numbers, the mites do not reproduce as fast and can even have a positive impact in the skin microfauna and the immune system of your pet.

The problem comes when dogs have a compromised immune system and the mites start reproducing unchecked, which leads to itchy skin, hair loss, lesions, and scales.

One the most common ways through which dogs get the mites is from mothers to newborns during nursing.

In most cases, when localized, the condition resolves itself, but if you see a worsening of the symptoms and a more generalized infection it’s time to make an appointment with your vet.

A popular remedy against demodectic mange is the use of isoxazoline flea and tick medicine for dogs. The dose depends on which brand is chosen and the dog’s weight, but it’s typically one chewable tablet every 2-6 weeks. An older type of medication called ivermectin is very effective but requires daily dosing until the infection is controlled.

Adding a supplement rich in Omega-3 to your dog’s diet not only helps the effectiveness of any treatment but also benefits the immune system.

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