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Roadtripping with your cat?… Learn how to avoid trouble

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You need to plan ahead and create the right conditions before hitting the road with your cat.

By Ada Méndez

Can my cat handle a long trip? Is he/she healthy enough to endure the changes of new environments? Is my place of lodging pet-friendly?

These are some basic and crucial questions you need to answer before packing your bags and hitting the road with your feline companion.

A long road trip could be stressful enough for humans, let alone our pets. That is why it’s important to make sure you create the right conditions for the journey.

Here are some tips to ease that drive you’ve been longing for:

1) Lodging. Make sure the hotels you are staying at, allow pets.

2) Kennels. If you are planning to visit National Parks or Recreational Areas in North America, find out if there are kennels or pet care facilities nearby.

3) Vet talk. Talk to your vet before taking your cat with you and check for any health condition that might become an issue down the road. If your cat stresses out easily explore medical help.

4) Pack extra. If your pet needs special foods or medicines, it’s a good idea to pack extra supplies to avoid emergencies.

5) Slow adaptation. Plan ahead and do short trips (run errands or visit a local park)  to slowly adapt your cat for the long adventure.

6) Never leave your feline companion alone in the car.

7) Precaution first. Keep him/her inside the carrier at all times when you are driving to avoid accidents.

8) ID. Make sure your pet wears a collar with an identification.

9) Pit stops. When driving long distances, plan pit stops for feeding and giving access to the litter.

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