Exotic Pets Other Pets Reptiles Are you a bearded dragon-type of pet owner?Ada MéndezNovember 3, 2018 by Ada MéndezNovember 3, 201801576 If you have ever considered getting a bearded dragon, have in mind that they can live in captivity for as long as 10 years, which
Cat Adoptions Cat Care Uncategorized Yes, you love cats, but are you ready to adopt one?Ada MéndezOctober 13, 2018November 3, 2019 by Ada MéndezOctober 13, 2018November 3, 201901064 Cats are very territorial, so entering a new home or place could be stressful for them. Before you adopt a cat, create the right conditions.
Cat Trends Recientes Roadtripping with your cat?… Learn how to avoid troubleAda MéndezOctober 8, 2018October 8, 2018 by Ada MéndezOctober 8, 2018October 8, 201801191 These are some basic and crucial questions you need to answer before packing your bags and hitting the road with your feline companion.