Cat Care Cat Diseases Cat TrendsFeral cats can be a health hazard for humansNews DeskJune 8, 2020 by News DeskJune 8, 202001073 The idea that feral cats prefer rodents is totally inaccurate as they kill for fun, leaving behind dead animals that attract even more rats.
Cat Adoptions Cat Care UncategorizedYes, you love cats, but are you ready to adopt one?Ada MéndezOctober 13, 2018November 3, 2019 by Ada MéndezOctober 13, 2018November 3, 201901038 Cats are very territorial, so entering a new home or place could be stressful for them. Before you adopt a cat, create the right conditions.
Cat Care Cat Grooming Cat HealthDo you know how to care for your cat like a real pro?Fedor Villard-LopezOctober 13, 2018 by Fedor Villard-LopezOctober 13, 201801219 Make a routine to examine your cat’s eyes before grooming to check for any tearing, crust, cloudiness or inflammation that may indicate a health problem.