Exotic Pets Other Pets Small PetsFerrets are small but they are high maintenance pets tooBeth RodriguezNovember 5, 2018 by Beth RodriguezNovember 5, 201801552 If you are someone who spends a considerable amount of time away from home, then a ferret is not an ideal pet for you to
Exotic Pets Other Pets ReptilesAre you a bearded dragon-type of pet owner?Ada MéndezNovember 3, 2018 by Ada MéndezNovember 3, 201801576 If you have ever considered getting a bearded dragon, have in mind that they can live in captivity for as long as 10 years, which
Editor's Picks Exotic Pets Other Pets RecientesAre you ready to devote all your life to a monkey pet?Otto RodríguezOctober 20, 2018October 20, 2018 by Otto RodríguezOctober 20, 2018October 20, 201801445 Having a monkey might prevent you from getting intimately involved with potential partners to whom the monkey has a negative reaction.